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Windows server 2012 r2 essentials nic teaming freeNIC Teaming on Server Essentials R2 – The Doc's World
You can attach your NICs to different switches in this mode. Switch dependent modes require configuring a switch to make it aware of the NICs team and NICs have to be connected to the same switch. This switch has support for LACP stands for Link Aggregation Control Protocol and, essentially, it is the more dynamic version of switch dependent teaming, meaning that you configure the switch rather than individual ports.
Once the switch is configured, it becomes aware about your network team and handles dynamic negotiation of the ports. In both of the switch dependent teaming modes, your switches are aware about the NICs team and, hence, can load balance incoming network traffic. Bare in mind also, that Essentials only allows 2 CPUs. This is supported and allowed under the R2 Essentials license. Everything I've suggested, I've done.
Hyper-V Server R2 and Server R2 core or gui install are two different products and are licensed differently. It may technically work but not legally. Once in Server Core mode, trial countdown stops. Ergo, trial never ends.
As I said before, Server Core is "free". How you get there is irrelevant. As long as you activate Server Essentials and have the appropriate license and CALs you are all good. Once you have all the drivers installed you can revert to core with that as well.
This helps you to create a host image of the install disc without the essentials role etc. Once you install this you just add Hyper-V, create your VM from Original install disc and your good to go.
My challenge relates to some of the small details along the way. Some simple stuff that is embarrassing, but nonetheless its holding me up.
My apologies. I did see that, but got interrupted and forgot to read the rest of it before replying. So I replied with how I did it for myself. If you do go that route, I recommend getting Corefig;. As they say, there are many ways to skin a cat. Choose the one that suits you best. And if you have any specific questions to do with your install, I'll help to the best of my ability. For the record, I installed Hyper-V Core R2 7 times before I was happy enough with the results to put it on a production server.
And that was after writing the how-to for installing Hyper-V for our small MSP a few years back. I definitely recommend labbing it first. Regardless of what "technically" may work, some of the above suggestions are not legal.
It's a Hypervisor only. Whereas Server R2, "core" or "gui" install, allows you to install other roles - it's the same product, one just doesn't have the GUI if you opt to install it that way.
If removing the GUI from the trial version of R2 Server stops the trial clock, so be it, it doesn't change the fact that you will be out of compliance as far as licensing. Doing a "core" install of Server R2 is still Server R2 and needs to be licensed accordingly.
Whether you choose to install the GUI or not doesn't change the licensing requirements. That is legal and supported with your single R2 Essentials license. The preferred way would be to install the free Hyper-V Server product as your Hypervisor and then install Essentials as a guest VM but it works and is a supported configuration either way.
Less things to manage, less things to patch, etc. For example, to add configuration details to ensure that the Web-Server role is installed for MyComputer1 , use the following syntax:. After you have created the appropriate configurations, save it as a PowerShell script. To invoke the configuration, execute it via an administrative PowerShell session. Invoking the configuration creates the MOF file in the working directory containing the configuration block script.
To execute the configuration, run the command:. The intent of this section was to provide a high-level overview of DSC and how to use it. There are a variety of configuration parameters and best practices that go beyond the scope of this Cert Guide. In any large-scale deployment, imaging technology will be one of your strongest allies. Microsoft has continued to evolve its imaging process through enhancements made to the Windows Deployment Services WDS role. WDS is covered in the Cert Guide , but in this section, we will assume you already have a prebuilt image and are looking to perform offline servicing of the image.
So what is meant by servicing an image, and why offline? Historically speaking, updates to images required the administrator to deploy a new computer from the image, run through any customizations or updates, repackage the image, and upload it back to the repository.
This is often a lengthy process—especially when only minor updates are required. For these instances, Microsoft has provided the ability to inject updates to a Windows image file.
Scenarios in which images require updating include. DISM takes the legwork out of the mix by enabling an administrator to mount the image file, similar to mounting a hard disk, and issue commands to update the image. When the updating is complete, changes are committed to the image and the file is unmounted, in which case the image is ready for the next deployment. Some key points and best practices to consider when using DISM:. DISM is typically used for updating offline images, but it can also be used to update servers that are online especially in cases when you need a fast method to standardize or update to a higher edition of Windows.
There are several parameters you should understand when servicing images. Table outlines some of the key parameters:. Used to gather information from the image file such as index number, image name, description, and image size. Parameter used to mount the image. When mounting the image, you must also specify an in index number or the name associated with the image.
Directory in which the image is mounted to. For optimal performance, this should be on the local computer that is updating the image. Use this switch when experiencing trouble with mounting images that might have been previously mounted. Adds one or more install packages or cabinet files. When applying multiple packages, packages are listed in the order in which they should be installed. Adds a driver to the offline image.
Produces a list of Packages from the mounted image in the mount directory. Unmounts the image. Used to change an offline windows image to a higher edition.
This list is introduces only a few of the DISM parameters. The first thing you need to do is obtain a copy of the source image. In this example, we will use one of the default Windows image files found on the Server installation media and extracted by a WDS server.
To enable a feature in an offline image, perform the following steps:. Using either the index number or name of the image, mount the image to a temporary mount directory. This will extract the contents of the image Figure to a directory structure in the temp mount directory specified.
This process might take time depending on the speed of your computer. Review the current state of the Remote-Desktop-Services feature.
Shown in Figure , take notice that the feature is currently disabled. Enable the Remote-Desktop-Services feature in the offline image by executing the command shown in Figure Commit changes to the image and unmount the. This will repackage the image file with the changes made. It might take some time depending on the speed of your computer. When unmounting images, it is important to close all windows and applications, especially File Explorer windows.
This will help prevent locks during the unmounting process. As discussed previously, remote management of servers is extremely helpful for an administrator, especially in scenarios in which your organization is driving a centralized management approach or if you are managing a group of Server Core installations. Before remote management can occur, the remote servers must be configured to enable remote management. This is on by default for new installations but can be changed by navigating to the Local Server properties of Server Manager as shown in Figure Figure Server Manager Remote Management.
To enable remote management on legacy systems, you might be required to perform additional configuration steps, such as enabling WMI through the Windows Firewall service. Once enabled for remote management, use the Add other servers to manage feature from the Server Manager Dashboard. The Add Servers dialog enables you to search for remote servers using Active Directory by importing a list from a text file or by using DNS as shown in Figure Figure Add Servers Dialog Box.
To perform a remote administrative task, such as Adding Roles and Features, highlight the remote server and right-click to bring up the list of remote management options as shown in Figure Figure Adding Roles and Features Remotely.
In situations where different security boundaries—such as managing between workgroups or domains—exist, you might consider using the Manage As function to first supply the necessary authoritative credentials. From this point, step through the Add Roles and Features Wizard as you have done previously. The only difference this time is to select the remote server previously added. To ensure the proper remote server is selected, take note of the destination server listed in the upper-right corner of the dialog box, as shown in Figure After you have installed the role, you now have the ability to manage and configure services associated with the role centrally from Server Manager on your managing server.
In addition to Server Manager, PowerShell can be another powerful tool to simplify the installation and management of server roles remotely. Using PowerShell, an administrator can perform a series of commands.
It is pretty much that simple. The defaults are what you want for general use. This is the copy speed I got off one system while doing the following at the same time.
Definitely an improvement under load considering all the things that where going on. Install Requirements 1. Minimum Requirements for Essentials Edition 1.
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